We don't have a t.v. I mean, we have a TV but no channels. So we watch a lot of DVD's and I beat Andrew in the Wii 3 point shoot-out a lot (I have the ranking high score---what now basketball star?). I want you all to close your eyes and imagine sitting with you partner, BFF, after work with no TV. Sure, for like, a week, I felt all good about our decision (it's mainly a money saver) but then you start to realize HOW HARD IT IS TO JUST SIT with another person in the room without the TV to serve as a third party.
So here are some things that we do to pass the time:
*play board games
*listen to NPR
*go to separate rooms so I can practice/he can play Wii/get away from each other
*talk about the day
*eat food and stare at each other
*get on the black hole that is facebook and have andrew read over my shoulder (but yet he hates FB.....denial, boo, you are in denial.)
*talk to our animals like they are real people
*look at the stack of DVD's that we have watched 100x already and get into a fight when I am forced to watch "Oceans 12" for the 12 millionth time.
*poke each other in the face
*talk about working out but not really do it
Look how interesting my life is!!!!!! I swear we really are in love with each other. I think that all couples should go tv free for a bit of time before the big W day. Maybe not to this insane extent but it definitely makes you closer and prepares you for being with that person non-stop FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
*dum, dum, dum* Cue scary music.
But I wouldn't take back our super close time together. It's special/torturous in all the best of ways.
So here are some things that we do to pass the time:
*play board games
*listen to NPR
*go to separate rooms so I can practice/he can play Wii/get away from each other
*talk about the day
*eat food and stare at each other
*get on the black hole that is facebook and have andrew read over my shoulder (but yet he hates FB.....denial, boo, you are in denial.)
*talk to our animals like they are real people
*look at the stack of DVD's that we have watched 100x already and get into a fight when I am forced to watch "Oceans 12" for the 12 millionth time.
*poke each other in the face
*talk about working out but not really do it
Look how interesting my life is!!!!!! I swear we really are in love with each other. I think that all couples should go tv free for a bit of time before the big W day. Maybe not to this insane extent but it definitely makes you closer and prepares you for being with that person non-stop FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
*dum, dum, dum* Cue scary music.
But I wouldn't take back our super close time together. It's special/torturous in all the best of ways.
You should try getting NetFlix! It's only like $10/ mo... alot cheaper than cable but you can watch unlimited movies/ tv series.. I just read something the other day about saving money on cable and that's what they said:)
I know! I have a love/hate relationship with netflix. I break up with it a lot when I don't feel like they have good movies to watch. But, I think it's time to give it another shot.
p.s. i don't know how this posted twice.....
We don't have cable - just netflix. And we use tvblinx.com to watch a lot of shows for free (on the computer).
Also, we have a great DVD selection here so you are free to come borrow them anytime!!! :) We never watch any of them anymore.
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