Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How my weekend went from good to SNOW GOOD

 Good Tuesday my dears!

Excuse the hiatus, but I was living in my dream world 3-day-snow-weekend!  (for you non-school workin' types, don't be jealous)

We spent Friday night at home and I took 30 photos of my new pets.  Sounds like fun?  Oh it was. 
 Presenting to the world:  LADY MARY (beta), and FRANK & BEANS (frogs).  Frank is somersaulting over Beans in this pic.  I was worried that they didn't like their new home but they have been quite happy lately.  I'm really digging the new family additions.  (I really want salamanders next..)

Saturday I took a trip to the Asian Market in Charlottesville with some of the international boarders from the school that I work at.  We loaded the short bus and I had my first experience with an Asian market.  I really wanted to buy something so I grabbed candy, tea, edamame, and these cute little asian soaps. 

 Sunday came around and I had so much to clean around the house.  So naturally I sat and watched Oprah's Super Soul Sunday and put all of my dirty clothes on top of the bed and felt satisfied with cleaning. (clean floors = clean room)

Sunday night was extra fun because I played music with a bluegrass band I have been jamming with lately.  The name of the group is the Mason Jars (love) and I am pretty stoked about our first gig. I really love playing in a group and having some voices to harmonize with.  Ill keep you posted.  :)

On Monday morning the alarm went off and Andrew let me know it was snowing.  I brushed it off because we have not had a full snow day all year and I wasn't about to get my hopes up on March 5.  Except when I looked out the window it was really coming down!  I prayed hard while looking at the blue strip on the bottom of the news page and then finally, like a little snow angel, it appeared!  SCHOOL IS CLOSED!  I did a little snow dance in my pajammers.  It was like a do-over day. 

We played in the snow for a bit with the dogs, horses, chickens, and cats. 

Hunter loves snow more than any dog I have ever seen. 
 Isn't Little Bit so handsome in this picture?  I love him so.  

AND that was my surprise 3 day weekend.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lil bit is huge! and i think your names are hilarious for your fish/frogs--keep the blog going!

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