Sunday, November 8, 2009

day by day.

Image found at 37days

"Every day is day one.
Every single, stinkin' day.
Each one.
The next day.
Not as punishment of failure, but as a gift."

I apologize that my blog has turned into my self help gallery. Maybe when you have those days when you feel just plum, bat-sh@t-crazy (as Andrew delicately put it this weekend), you will browse upon this post and go, "By golly, I'm not the ONLY one!!"

But then again, maybe you deal well with change and do not have to recite the Serenity Prayer twice daily and maybe you don't use words like "golly".

But I do. I have to.

I wish I could find the girl that posted this. She is somewhere....just not sure where she is hiding.

Truth is, I'm scared. I'm waking up with an elephant on my chest every morning.

The familiar feelings start to press deep into my chest and then comes the constant tape recorder in my head....the list of things still to do. The things I will miss. The things I never accomplished in Richmond. The things I have accomplished in Richmond.....the list goes on and on.

But as sure as sun comes up, the one thing that takes it all away is music. It is my one true release and unfortunately the one thing I tend to suppress when I am stressed. (why is that?...I'm not sure either)

So. I will stop being so hard on myself. I will pick up my guitar and play, knowing that when I put it down my chest will feel lighter, my heart fuller.

Yes. I'll play music when things start to get tough. But I'll also watch this video of my cousin from Kentucky torturing Andrew over and over. I love that laugh. And you gotta love a deep Kentucky accent.

And this week, above all weeks, I will take each day by day.
Every single, stinkin' day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are amazing. maybe one day our elephants will get together and take a hike.

serenity NOW.

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