Monday, September 24, 2012

pigs and chickens and singing

I've been on pig/chicken/dog/cat patrol since Saturday.  

I have to say, as much as it adds to my to-do list, I really like being the one that takes care of these guys.  They are so happy to see you, especially come feeding time.  The pigs are the best to feed.  They get SO excited and make all kinds of pig noises but you have to watch your feet.  A 200 lb pig hoof does not feel good on your toes.  

I'm meeting the rest of the family down at the beach at the end of the week and I'm so excited.  I can't wait to breathe in the air and grub out on some vacation food.  

I sang on Sunday at a local festival and as much as I can complain to myself about all the prep that goes into it, I am always humbled that people are still asking me to come out and sing.  It was such a beautiful day and I had a really sweet crowd.  Here is a video of a song I wrote called "Hill of Life".  The words are actually a poem from Max Ehrmann.  So, I should probably say I co-wrote it.  ;)

I think about the baby constantly when I sing.  I wonder if it is getting used to my voice, or the rhythm of the guitar.   What's going on in there baby?  I'm still waiting on some kicks.  

happy monday.  :)


PJH said...

I know the baby is already loving your voice and is going it will always be a source of comfort for him/her!

PJH said...

PS--Very pretty song!

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