Tuesday, September 25, 2012

19 weeks

Here I am at 19 weeks!  I like how I was able to skillfully capture the picture of the toilet in this shot.   I'm wearing a maternity shirt & skirt, both from target, both presents from my mom.  Why don't we always wear clothes with stretch bands?  I'm a big fan.

Fall is settling in and it has been chilly here in the mornings.  I've been craving oatmeal with honey & butter toast most mornings.  I have a sip of coffee here and there when Andrew is at home, but these past few mornings it has been cold water.  My mantra for pregnancy eating and wellness is to just do my best.  I have days when I eat too much sugar and there is an absence of green---but I just try my best to be healthy & listen to my body.  

I am trying to stay away from too many baby sites & blogs.  I find myself judging everything I am doing or not doing and, well, my body is a better place for this baby when I am not in that state of mind.  I'm a firm believer that you know what works for your own body more than anyone else.  I don't exercise everyday (or hardly any day).  But I try to walk a lot and I desperately need to stretch more.  The yoga dvd and I have a date in store.  But....most days, I just want to relax after a day at work.  And I'm okay with that too.  :) Do what you want and be happy. 

Off to face the day!  

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