Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th Recap

I'm a little late in my recap but better late than never, right? I had the best weekend full of BBQ's & friends and fires. Yes, fires. Tell you about it in a minute.
I started Saturday off at the Staunton Parade. It was one of the best parades I have been to! I loved it and got to spend the morning with these beautiful people:

(and this girl is my long lost friend. did I mention she has the cutest baby ever?)

The parade had some of my favorite things: Kettle corn, pageant queens, cloggers, and young baseball players.

I had to snap this picture taken down the street. Lot's of rebel flags were flying here in the south.

On the 4th we went over to Andrew's sisters house for fireworks.

Everything was going swell until a firework caught of fire and blew up all the rest on the ground and caught the incredibly dry field on fire. See below:

Good thing we had a water truck and a volunteer fire fighter on hand. But it was scary for a bit and will be a firework celebration I won't forget soon!

Next up we went to our friend's Luke & Travis's house to get our annual bucket truck ride! It goes 60 feet in the air and you can see fireworks from all over the valley. I highly suggest seeing any fireworks this long as you aren't afraid of heights.

*60 ft. high in the bucket truck*

They boys set off more illegal fireworks (this looks safe, doesn't it?) and our 4th of July adventures were soon over.

Hope you had a great weekend too! xoxo

Friday, July 2, 2010

Livin' on love.

I was browsing through some pictures on my computer tonight and found this one. I think Andrew took it one night. Isn't he a little creepers?

I played last night at Mockingbird. (this was very exciting for me)

I had 2 glasses of wine when I got off stage. (my god they tasted good)

I am officially hung over after just two glasses of wine. (lightweight)

Which is never, ever a good thing to do if you have a job interview in the morning, children.
I don't think it would have worked out anyways. There was mentioning of cleaning up human feces and I almost darted towards the door.
I think she could tell from the expression on my face that this would not be up my alley.
So I left in a daze of nausea, haziness, and a little shaken by the intense Friday morning interview. I stepped into the Ford 350 truck that I borrowed from the farm (did I mention my car died? We are going to bring her back to life soon...) and stopped by my least favorite place in the world, Wal-Mart.
I didn't think this one through.
I carried my only purchase, a 5000 lb bag of cat liter, in heels, to the truck and thought to in the world did I end up here? Do you ever have those moments? Where you just kinda step outside of yourself and take a good look and maybe a good laugh?

Anywho, this whole finding a supplementary job thing is just..not moving as fast as I would like. Which would be like, NOW.

But I'm being picky. And stubborn. And I want instant gratification. Damn.

There is an upside to this. Now my favorite part of the day is when Andrew reads me the classifieds and helps me search for a job. They posted a job for an egg picker the other day. I have to say I thought about it for a good minute.

So cross your fingers for me, for us. Girlfriend needs a paycheck.

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