Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Bump Shot: 32

32 week obligatory self portrait!  I like the fact that I look like I have a magical wand in my hand too.


Christmas was pretty low key 'round these parts.  We slept in until almost 9 a.m. and then pillow talked for awhile about how this would be the last Christmas morning we would ever be able to be so lazy.  I made biscuits and gravy, coffee, and then we opened gifts, just the two of us.  

My hormones got ahead of me and I teared up at one point thinking about how this was the last time we would have a Christmas like this.  It was a happy cry, really.  Sometimes the thought of how much things are going to change is overwhelming though.  Next time this year we will have a 10 month old crawling (walking?!) all over the place.  Oh me oh my.  :)

My mom is coming into town tomorrow to spoil us some more.  I am looking forward to some home cooked meals and finishing up some touches on the nursery.  

Peace on earth my friends!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The best present of all!

Photo taken at my tacky Christmas party for work

Christmas is almost here!  Although, I have to say, we have been daydreaming a lot about what NEXT Christmas will be like.  But we are still excited to spend the holiday together all snuggled up in our love trailer. We cut down our own Charlie Brown Christmas tree this year (see below) and have been enjoying the twinkling lights as it turns brown at a rapid pace.  :) 

32 weeks tomorrow!  A bump shot is due. 

Merry Christmas! 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

a shower for baby

Saturday, December 8

Baby Crummett was showered with love and presents! My mom (lady who I look a lot like above) and two of my best friends (see other gorgeous women above) put the whole shabang together.  We all oohh'd and ahhww'd over tiny clothes and practical baby needs.  I loved this day! 

We went home afterwards and set up the crib and loaded in the haul.  I spent the rest of the weekend folding the tiniest little clothes and putting everything in its place.  This feels REAL.  Andrew and I both walk into her nursery all of the time and just stare at it.  We are so ready for this little girl to be here. 

We are the luckiest. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

that'll do pig, that'll do.

Sunday night I said goodbye to our pigs.  I cried my eyes out and stood watching them as they buried their heads into feed buckets, snorting and grunting with no awareness that this was their last night on the farm. Andrew repeated the phrase that he has told me over and over again, stolen from Joel Salatin, "they have a happy life and have one bad day."

This was hard.  We knew it would be hard.  We are animals lovers to the core.  Even the ones that we like to eat.  We stepped into livestock farming because we have a deep feeling that it is the right thing to do.  All you have to do is google how animals are treated in large facilities and you know that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that we treat these animals.  They deserve more from us.  They nourish our bodies and provide us energy and fuel, and in repayment they are treated incredibly cruel.  And we vote for this type of treatment every time we pick up meat from the grocery store.  We vote, blindly, yes, I don't care how these animals are treated as long as I don't have to see it.

So this is our first step in the journey.  We loved this little pigs.  We spoiled them.  We scratched them with sticks and fed them all of our scrap food.  We moved them to fresh lots every few weeks.  We let them root around in the dirt until their hearts were content.  

Yes.  It was a sad day but we know that this is the right step.  One of our farm dreams is to be able to offer meat that has been loved, cared, and respected for to our local community.  

Thank you, little pigs for your sacrifice. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

scenes from a Crummett morning

An early a.m. bathroom break awoke the Crummett household early enough to get in a little extra snuggle time on the couch this morning.  As you can see, mornings pretty much revolve around the furry ones (not for too much longer!).  The cats wait patiently (or sometimes not) until they get their morning nibbles distributed by their Dad because I can't stand the smell of cat food in the morning.  The pups get let out and on cold mornings like this they scratch on the door 5 minutes later to sit by the wood stove and get spoiled.  Oh, and there was a household craving for some french toast for breakfast.  Yum.  :) 

Yes.  It is hard to leave this love nest each day.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

on money and fear and choice

(this photo has nothing to do with the topic, but it does make me happy.  so there.)

I am no zen master on how to deal with finances.  Quite the opposite but I do feel like I have journeyed from being so petrified of bills that I wouldn't open my mail to where I am today.

And I am still, still, trying so hard.

I got a text from Andrew about how much it would cost to fix my car.  It's one of those cars---you know the kind.  Likes to act up juuuust as soon as you feel like you have some savings stashed away.

As I read the text, which was padded with "okay, now, don't freak out...." I could feel my eyes well up with tears.  My chest tightened and my mind went blank.  I would normally make fun of myself here for being overly-dramatic, but I think we all know what this feeling is like all too well.  

I took a gulp to wash down the lump in my throat and headed for the bathroom--my place of retreat when I am at work.  What is already a scary situation becomes even further compounded when you are about to bring a baby into the world, oh yeah and that I will not be working full-time come February.  

Deep breathes. I closed my eyes.  I felt her move.  I prayed.

"I will not choose fear.  I will not choose fear.  I am full.  I know You will take care of us.  I will not choose fear"

I sent it out to the universe without one tear dropping down my face.  I don't have another choice.  I have to believe that everything will be okay.  I don't have room in my body to choose fear anymore.  Just yesterday I had a deep feeling that I would have to release my fears about money.  I think I even remember saying almost the same prayer to myself.  

Now, in the past, my reaction to sending out a prayer about money woes only to be answer by an unexpected large bill the next day would have made me think the world was against me.  I just can't ever get ahead or this always happens to me might have been my self-pity mantra.  But this time, I did not choose fear.  It is my choice and I want to change the way I think about money for myself and for my family.

I don't know if this sort of conversation helps anybody else.  I just know that I am at a place in life where I do not want the fear of not having money to rule my world and I don't know another way to deal with it other than to let it go and know I believe that I will be taken care of.  

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