You filled us with such happiness and taught us many lessons (in patience, mostly).
Here are a few bits and pieces of our year!
I made a quick trip back to Richmond to see good friends and finally got to meet Patti!
And then we started the waiting game. We were held up in the moving process by weather, permits and anything else that could have gone wrong--went wrong. We took our minds off of the frustrating process by retreating to the mountains as much a we could.
I asked Andrew the other day what is favorite memory of 2010 was. He told me it was the day he asked me to marry him-hands down. :) He deserves 4 gold stars for how perfect it was. I was completly surprised.
Shortly after our engagement, we FINALLY moved in! It's our little work in progress but the saying is true, there is no place like home.
An engagement/house warming party was the pefect way to end the fall. Thanks to our family and friends, it was a night that we will never forget!
So, obviously the engagment ruled the last part of 2010! Shannon Miller took these amazing engagment pictures. I can't wait to see what the wedding photos wil look like on the farm!
I made big strides this year with music, finally putting some songs that I worked on with a friend on a CD. I played out as much as I could and even started playing and singing by myself. Baby steps. :)
We enjoyed settling into our new home this fall and making friends with the neighboring sheep farm. There is nothing better than looking out the window and seeing these friends so close by.
We spent Christmas this year in our new little home. It was cozy and full of love.
There seem to be a million other memories in 2010 (but damn this takes a long time to put together...) Thank you to all of our friends and families for making this year one of the best yet. I pray for blessings in 2011 to you and your loved ones!
Happy New Year!